Tag #Women #GenderEquality #TimorLeste #Equality #Equal #Education #Government #RevistaLafaek #Development #CARETeam #CAREImpact #SocialInclusion #WomeninLeadership #WomenLead

5 Feb

Governu Japaun no CARE kontinua hasa’e produsaun agríkola no hakbiit feto nia ekonomia iha Atsabe

The Government of Japan and CARE continues to strengthen agricultural production and women’s economic empowerment in Atsabe JOINT PRESS RELEASE   Governu Japaun no CARE kontinua hasa’e produsaun agríkola no […]


27 Oct

Embaixador Japaun ba Timor-Leste no CARE selebra Loron Mundiál Feto Rural iha Atsabe

Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste and CARE Celebrate the International Day of Rural Women in Atsabe JOINT PRESS RELEASE Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste and CARE Celebrate the International Day […]


2 Oct

CARE asina akordu parseria ho ator lokal sira atu hametin servisu saúde no haforsa komunidade rural sira nia preparasaun no responde ba emerjensia saúde

CARE signs partnership agreements with local actors to strengthen health services and increase rural communities’ preparedness and response to health emergencies KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA   CARE asina akordu parseria ho ator […]


21 Sep

INDMO hamutuk ho CARE nia projetu Lafaek promove feto nia lideransa

INDMO joins CARE’s Lafaek project in promoting women’s leadership KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSA INDMO hamutuk ho CARE nia projetu Lafaek promove feto nia lideransa   Dili, 15 Setembru 2023 – Timor-Leste hetan […]