US Embassy and Ministry
of Education Distribute Story Books to Schools through the USDA-funded HATUTAN
Education and Nutrition Program
Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amérika no Ministériu Edukasaun Distribui Livru Istória ba Eskola sira liu husi Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun – HATUTAN ne’ebé fundu husi Departamentu Agrikultura, Estadus Unidus Amérika
Ermera, 28 Jullu, 2023 – Embaixador Enkaregadu Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amérika, Sr. Thomas Daley, no reprezentante husi Ministériu Edukasaun (ME), sei distribui livru iha serimónia ne’ebé hala’o iha Eskola Pré-eskolár Ermera Villa hanesan parte husi Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun – HATUTAN ne’ebé hetan suporta fundus husi Departamentu Agrikultura, Estadus Unidus Amérika (USDA). Dirétor CARE sei reprezenta husi Ofisiál Enkaregada, Sra. Yeni Pereira iha serimónia refere.
Programa HATUTAN distribui hela livru istória iha Tetun 44,800 ba alunu sira no versaun espesiál ba revista Lafaek kópia 20,000 ba alunu sira iha eskola 266 (primária 261 no pré-eskolár 50). Ho totál fundus US $153,925 nomos ho kustu distribusaun, Programa HATUTAN fornese ona livru istória ho títulu 56 ba iha eskola 219 iha munisípiu Ainaro, Ermera, Liquiçá no Manatuto no sei distribui livru istória hanesan ba iha eskola 47 iha Oé-cusse-Ambenu iha tempu badak. Livru 44,800 sei fó benefísiu ba alunu na’in 28,000 iha eskola sira iha área rurál.
Programa HATUTAN mos sei fornese ba alunu 28,000 (pré-eskolár 9% no primária klase 1-4 91%) edisaun suplementáriu Revista Lafaek Ki’ik no Prima atu alunu sira hetan ba sira nia an no prátika lee iha uma. Programa HATUTAN nia peskiza hatudu alunu nia abilidade lee mellora bainhira sira bele prátika lee iha uma. Ida ne’e hatudu importánsia ba Revista Lafaek ba labarik, tanba labarik ida-idak simu kópia ida hodi lori ba uma. Alunu Primária bele hetan valór di’ak liu bainhira sira nia eskola iha prátika fó empresta livru ba alunu sira hodi lee iha uma.
Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun – HATUTAN ho fundu USDA nian, iha objetivu atu hadi’ak rezultadu literasia ba pré-eskolár no ensinu báziku no atu hasa’e prátika saúde, nutrisaun, hahan iha eskola no komunidade iha munisípiu haat hanesan Ainaro, Ermera, Manatuto no Liquiçá no iha tempu badak sei aumenta ho Oé-cusse.
Programa HATUTAN agora dadaun iha nia tinan lima husi tinan sia hanesan planu, no koordena ona husi Embaixada Estadus Unidus iha Timor-Leste. Implementa husi CARE no Mercy Corps ho parseiru ho ME, Ministériu Saúde, Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál, no Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas. Programa ida ne’e gia husi memorandu entendimentu entre ME no CARE.
Koordenadór no dirétor eskola sira ne’ebé simu livru sira ne’e asina komprimisiu ida hodi aseita atu estudante sira bele impresta livru hodi lee iha uma, tanba inan-aman barak maka la iha rekursu hodi hola livru istória.
Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amérika no Ministériu Edukasaun Distribui Livru Istória ba Eskola sira liu husi Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun - HATUTAN ne’ebé fundu husi Departamentu Agrikultura, Estadus Unidus Amérika
Ermera, 28 July, 2023 – The Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. of the U.S. Embassy, Mr. Thomas Daley, and a representative of the Minister of Education (MOE), will deliver books in a ceremony at the pre-school Ermera Villa as part of the HATUTAN Education and Nutrition Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The CARE Country Director will be represented by the Mrs. Yeni Pereira, the Officer-in-Charge at the book distribution ceremony as well as Ermera municipal officials.
HATUTAN Program is distributing 44,800 story books in Tetum for students and over 20,000 special copies of Lafaek Magazines to students at 266 schools (216 primary and 50 pre-schools). With total funds of US $153,925 plus distribution costs, the HATUTAN Program has provided these 56 titles of story books to 219 schools in Ainaro, Ermera, Liquica and Manatuto and will distribute these same 56 titles of story books to 47 schools in the Special region of Oé-cusse shortly. The 44,800 books will benefit a total number of 28,000 students in mostly rural and remote schools.
The HATUTAN Program will also provide these 28,000 students (9% preschool and 91% primary school grades 1-4) supplementary editions of the Lafaek magazine Ki’ik and Prima for the students to have for themselves and practice reading at home. HATUTAN Program’s research demonstrates that students’ reading skills improve when they can practice reading at home. This shows the importance of the Lafaek magazine for children, because each child receives his or her own copy to take home. Primary school students score better in reading if their school actively practices lending books to students to read at home.
The USDA-funded HATUTAN Nutrition program seeks to improve literacy outcomes for preschool and basic education students and to increase the use of improved health, nutrition and dietary practices in schools and communities in the four municipalities of Ainaro, Ermera, Manatuto and Liquiça and will shortly expand the Program to Oé-cusse.
HATUTAN Program is in its fifth year of a total of nine years planned, and is coordinated by the U.S. Embassy in Timor-Leste. It is implemented by CARE and Mercy Corps in partnership with the MOE, Ministry of Health, Ministry of State Administration, and Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Program is guided by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between MOE and CARE.
School Coordinators and Directors receiving the books sign a commitment to allow student to borrow books to read at home, knowing that many parents do not have resources to purchase story books.