CARE collaborates with faith leader to encourage men and boys to challenge gender inequality

His Eminence Cardinal Virgilio do Carmo da Silva SDB, Metropolitan Archbishop of Dili, conversing with young journalists. Photo: Sylvio da Fonseca/CARE in Timor-Leste. Location: Dili.



CARE kolabora ho lider relijiozu hodi enkoraja mane no labarik mane sira dezafia dezigualdade jéneru


Dili, 22 Abril, 2024 – Komponente ida husi CARE nia estratejia Programa Longu-Prazu mak foka ba envolve mane no labarik mane sira atu sai kampiaun ba igualdade jéneru no dezafia normas jéneru sira nudar dalan ida atu hakbiit feto no atinje igualdade jéneru.


Liu husi projetu Lafaek, ami iha objetivu atu uza plataforma Jornalista Foinsa’e atu kolabora ho figura públika inspiradora sira hodi enkoraja mane no labarik mane sira suporta empoderamentu feto no mos prevene violénsia bazeia ba jéneru iha sira nia komunidade. Maske iha ona progresu lubuk ida ho prevensaun violénsia bazeia ba jéneru, violénsia ne’e nafatin buras iha uma-laran no komunidade sira iha rai-laran.


Dezde Timor-Leste nia luta ba independensia, lider relijiozu iha rai-laran ativamente halo advokasia ba direitus umanus. Depois de Filipina, Timor-Leste sai nudar nasaun daruak ne’ebé ho katolikus barak liu iha Sudeste Aziátiku, no lider relijiozu sira nafatin iha papél importante iha sosiedade até ohin loron.


Iha loron 22 Abril, CARE liu husi projetu Lafaek, organiza sesaun intervista ho Sua Eminensia Cardeál Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva SDB, Arsebispu Metropolitana Dili. Iha intervista ne’e, exelentísimu reverendísimu Cardeál sei diskute konaba mane nia knaar atu realiza feto nia partisipasaun iha sosiedade ne’ebé ho valor, no mos importansia husi moris livre husi violénsia bazeia ba jéneru.


CARE apresia Sua Eminensia Cardeál ba hamriik hamutuk ho ami hodi halo advokasia ba papél mane no labarik mane sira nian atu avansa direitu feto no labarik feto sira nian. Ida ne’e mos okaziaun importante ida hodi bolu desizaun-nain sira iha Timor-Leste hodi envolve mane sira ba dezafia normas jéneru ladi’ak sira, no mos reduz violénsia bazeia ba jéneru.







CARE collaborates with faith leader to encourage men and boys to challenge gender inequality


Dili, 22 April, 2024 – A component of CARE’s Long-Term Programme strategy focuses on engaging men and boys to be champions of gender equality and addressing harmful gender norms as a means of empowering women and achieving gender justice.

Through the Lafaek project, we aim to leverage the Jornalista Foinsa’e platform to collaborate with influential public figures to inspire men and boys to support women’s empowerment, as well as prevent gender-based violence in their communities. Despite progress in recent years, gender-based violence remains prevalent in homes and communities throughout the country.


Since Timor-Leste’s struggle for independence, faith leaders in the country have been active advocates for human rights. After the Philippines, Timor-Leste is Southeast Asia’s second largest Catholic majority country, and faith leaders continue to play a leading role in society today.


On 22 April, CARE through the Lafaek project, is organising an interview with His Eminence Cardinal Virgilio do Carmo da Silva SDB, Metropolitan Archbishop of Dili. In the interview, His Eminence Cardinal will discuss the role of men in enabling women’s meaningful participation in society, as well as the significance of living a life free of gender-based violence.


CARE is appreciative of His Eminence Cardinal for joining us to advocate for the role of men and boys in advancing the rights of women and girls. This is also an occasion to urge decision-makers in Timor-Leste to engage men and boys in challenging harmful gender norms and reducing gender-based violence.