The Government of Japan continues to support farmers and communities of Atsabe in partnership with CARE
Governu Japaun kontinua suporta toos-nain no komunidade sira iha Atsabe ho parseria hamutuk ho CARE
Dili, 10 Fevereiru, 2023 – Governu Japaun kontinua fó suporta ba toos-nain no komunidade sira iha Atsabe, liu husi parseria hamutuk ho CARE International Japan no CARE International iha Timor-Leste. Iha loron 10 Fevereiru, Tetsuya KIMURA, Embaixador Japaun iha Timor-Leste no Yoko ITO, reprezentante CARE, asina akordu fundus ba tinan datoluk projetu “Hasa’e Fornesimentu Sistema Bee ba Agrikultura iha Atsabe (HAFORSA 2)” nian. Implementa iha Atsabe iha munisipiu Ermera, projetu ne’e hetan fundus husi Governu Japaun liu husi CARE International Japan.
Asina akordu ida ne’e marka inisiu ba tinan datoluk projetu nian, komesa husi Fevereiru 2023 to’o Fevereiru 2024 ho fundus hamutuk US $310,269. Projetu HAFORSA 2 (2020-2024) hametin liu tan susesu sira husi projetu HAFORSA 1 (2016-2019), partikularmente atu hasa’e produtividade agrikola liu husi estabelesimentu fasilidade bee agrikultura no asegura kapasidade husi grupu toos-nain sira atu halo manutensaun ba fasilidade sira.
Iha tinan daruak ba projetu ne’e, CARE servisu hamutuk ho grupu toos-nain lokal hamutuk 12 iha suku hat. Grupu balun fan sira nia modo-tahan iha eskola lokal sira ba programa merenda eskolár, no grupu seluk fan iha merkadu lokal. Grupu lima mak estabelese ona sistema bee agrikultura iha 2021 no haluan ona sira nia toos tinan kotuk. Grupu hitu tan mak harii ona sistema fornesimentu bee agrikultura tinan kotuk. Adisionalmente, introdusaun sistema irigasaun bee-turuk fó dalan ona ba toos-nain feto sira atu hadi’ak produtividade ba kuda modo-tahan.
Iha tinan datoluk nian, projetu ne’e iha objetivu atu hasa’e sustentabilidade iha intervensaun hodi fasilita toos-nain no sira nia komunidade atu sai autosufisiente liu periodu operasional projetu nian, partikularmente atu asegura produsaun hortikultura nafatin aumenta no nafatin halo manutensaun ba fasilidade hirak ne’ebé harii ona ho suporta husi projetu.
Projetu ne’e hatudu ona aumentu husi produsaun agrikola, no projetu ne’e mos iha objetivu atu responde ba dezigualdade jéneru entre toos-nain feto no mane liu husi dezafia norma jéneru, promove fahe knaar no responsabilidade ne’ebé igual no podér foti desizaun iha uma-laran no komunidade. CARE fornese ona formasaun atu hasa’e feto nia abilidade atu lidera hodi bele partisipa iha prosesu foti desizaun iha area agrikultura.
Susesu husi projetu ne’e refleta mos komprimisiu forte no kontribuisaun Japaun nian atu hadi’ak nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste, liu husi kultivasaun modo-tahan ne’ebé nutritivu ba uma-kain no eskola lokal sira.
The Government of Japan continues to support farmers and communities of Atsabe in partnership with CARE
Dili, 10th February, 2023 – The Government of Japan continues its support to farmers and communities of Atsabe, in partnership with CARE International Japan and CARE International in Timor-Leste. On 10th February, Tetsuya KIMURA, Ambassador of Japan and Yoko ITO, representative of CARE, signed a grant agreement for the third year of the “Hasa’e Fornesimentu Sistema Bee ba Agrikultura iha Atsabe (HAFORSA 2) Project”. Implemented in Atsabe in Ermera municipality, the project is funded by the Government of Japan through CARE International Japan.
The signing of the agreement marks the start of the third year of the project, which runs from February 2023 to February 2024 with a project value of US $310,269. The HAFORSA 2 (2020-2024) Project builds on the achievements of the HAFORSA 1 Project (2016 – 2019), particularly in increasing agricultural productivity by establishing agricultural water facilities and ensuring effective capacity of the farmers groups to maintain the facilities.
In the second year of the project, CARE worked with 12 local farmers groups in four villages. Some of the groups sell vegetables to local schools for the school feeding programme, and others at their local markets. Five groups established agricultural water supply systems in 2021 and expanded their farmlands last year. Seven more groups built agricultural water supply systems last year. Additionally, the introduction of the drip-irrigation systems enables female farmers to improve the productivity of their vegetable plots.
In its third year, the project aims to increase the sustainability of the intervention, enabling farmers and their communities to be self-sufficient beyond the project operational period, particularly in maintaining horticulture production and the facilities built by the project.
While significantly increasing the agricultural production, the project also aims to address gender inequality between female and male farmers by challenging gender norms, promoting equitable workloads and decision-making power in the household and community. CARE provided training to enhance women’s leadership skills to increase their role in decision-making for agricultural processes.
Achievements from the project also reflects the strong commitment and contribution of Japan to enhancing nutrition in Timor-Leste, through the cultivation and promotion of nutritious vegetables in the household and local schools.
About CARE
CARE is an international development and humanitarian organisation that has been working in Timor-Leste since 1994. With programmes that extend across all parts of the country, CARE works with partners to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.
CARE works with remote, rural communities and civil society partners to combat gender inequality, as this has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to create sustainable development outcomes.
Ensuring well-being and a voice for women and girls in rural, disadvantaged areas is at the heart of CARE’s work. This is achieved in four priority areas of Education, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Health, and promoting Women’s Voice in society through development and humanitarian programmes.