A conversation with PNTL's Dili Commander: a beacon of hope for the next generation of women leaders
Dada-lia ho komandante PNTL Dili: esperansa ba lider feto sira husi jerasaun tuir mai
Dili, 28 Abril 2023 – CARE nia projetu Lafaek konvida Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Sra. Natercia Eufrasia Martins atu dada-lia iha projetu ne’e nia plataforma Jornalista Kiik. Iha tinan barak nia laran, Sra. Natercia avansa ba oin ho ninia pozisaun hanesan ofisial polisia, area servisu ne’ebé mak domina husi mane. Iha 2019, nia sai hanesan feto komandante munisipal dahuluk no nia serve ninia servisu iha Liquiça no foin lalais iha 2022, nia hetan kargu foun nudar komandante ba munisipiu Dili.
Tamba mane nia lideransa dominante tebes iha area forsa páz no seguransa nian, feto nia nesesidade no prioridade sira bele la hetan konsiderasaun tamba sira nia reprezentasaun ne’ebé menus iha nivel foti desizaun. Feto nia lideransa sai hanesan komponente importante ida ba CARE nia projetu sira; ami enkoraja no promove feto sira nia lideransa iha nivel hotu iha sosiedade tamba ami fiar katak feto sira tenke partisipa iha foti desizaun ne’ebé mak bele afeta sira nia moris. Ezemplu sira hanesan ne’e refleta ona iha Lafaek nia atividade Jornalista Kiik, iha ne’ebé kanorin labarik sira hetan oportunidade atu diretamente intervista feto lider Timor influensial sira ne’ebé mak ultrapasa ona bareira sira ba feto nia lideransa.
Inisiativa ida ne’e iha objetivu atu subliña valor husi feto nia lideransa, oinsá bele halo kanorin sira komprende liu tan sira nia knaar iha sosiedade no inspira sira atu sai lider iha futuru.
Konteúdu husi intervista ne’e sei sai pakote ida ba edisaun tuir mai ba Revista Lafaek Prima no sei fahe mos informasaun sira iha dialogu ho komunidade sira iha munisipiu sira iha Timor-Leste. Sra. Natercia nia istoria sai hanesan esperansa boot ida ba lider feto sira husi jerasaun tuir mai.
A conversation with PNTL’s Dili Commander: a beacon of hope for the next generation of women leaders
Dili, 28 April 2023 – CARE’s Lafaek project invites the Dili Commander of Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), Ms. Natercia Eufrasia Martins to join the discussion on the project’s Young Journalist platform. Over the years, Ms Natercia has steadily advanced in her position as a police officer in the male dominated arena. In 2019, she became the first municipal female police commander and served her duty in Liquiça and recently in 2022, she was appointed the commander for Dili.
As male leadership is predominant in peace and security forces, women’s needs and priorities can be overlooked due to a lack of representation at decision-making levels. Women’s leadership is a key component of CARE’s projects; we encourage and promote women’s leadership at all levels of society as we firmly believe women should meaningfully participate in decisions that affect their lives. Such an example is reflected in the Lafaek’s Young Journalist activity, where schoolchildren get the opportunity to directly interview Timorese influential women leaders who have overcome the barriers to women’s leadership.
This initiative aims to highlight the value of women’s leadership, allowing schoolchildren to understand their role within society and inspire them to become future leaders.
The content from the interview will be packaged in the upcoming Lafaek Prima magazine edition and shared in community dialogue sessions across municipalities in Timor-Leste. Ms. Natercia’s story is a beacon of hope for the next generation of women leaders.