Australian Humanitarian Partnership Anticipatory Action Trial in the Pacific and Timor-Leste
Saida mak Asaun Antisipatóriu?
Liu husi mudansa iha ita nia foku ba responde ba dezastre no fó prioridade liu ba preparasaun ba dezastre no krize sira, Asaun Antisipatóriu loke dalan ba parseiru umanitáriu no komunidade sira ne’ebé afetadu atu hatene liu tan atu foti desizaun ne’ebé bele redus sira nia impaktu antes dezastre akontese – ida ne’e mos bele salva tempu no osan; prevene komunidade sira lakon hela fatin, hetan moras, no lakon sira nia meius ba sustenta moris; no ida ne’e mos prezerva komunidade afetadu sira nia dignidade.
Iha istória, komunidade vulneravel sira toman ona ho uza matenek no hanoin sira husi beiala sira hodi proteje sira nia familia, uma, no meius atu sustenta moris husi dezastre sira. Iha tempu hanesan, autór umanitáriu sira mos investe ona iha preparasaun ba emerjensia iha dekada sira nia laran, maske progresu husi intervensaun sira ne’e hetan bareira barak tamba rekursu limitadu no mos kompete ho prioridade sira seluk. Asaun Antisipatóriu hametin liu tan aprosimasaun sira ne’e, liu husi aumenta tan pasu foun ida ba síklu jestaun intervensaun dezastre tradisional.
Saida mak halo Asaun Antisipatóriu diferente husi preparasaun ba dezastre mak, atividade no alokasaun orsamentu sira ativa liu husi konkordansia ida – konkordansia ne’e mosu bainhira iha indikasaun ida katak perigus husi ne’ebé iha posibilidade atu mosu no sei mosu ho makaas. Indikasaun sira ne’e bazeia ba análiza risku no previzaun tempu, ho objetivu atu komesa intervensaun ba preparasaun ba dezastre antes dezastre no krize sai boot no sai emerjensia umanitáriu.
Importante tebes ba Asaun Antisipatóriu nia susesu mak aprosimasaun ‘la arrepende’ – karik mekanismu Asaun Antisipatóriu iha indikasaun katak tenke implementa maibé ikus mai dezastre la akontese, ida ne’e sei la iha impaktu preventiva ne’ebé la hanesan, maibé sei nafatin fó valor atu hametin liu tan preparasaun ba dezastre no hanoin husi komunidade sira.
Asaun Antisipatóriu komesa ona iha Azia Sul, Azia Sudeste, Amérika Latina no Áfrika no iha ona interese makaas konaba efetividade husi asaun antisipatóriu iha Pasifiku no Timor-Leste, ne’ebé mak sai nudar rejiaun sira ne’ebé vulneravel tebes ba dezastre iha mundu.
Governu no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira agora dadaun investe iha sistema rejional no nasional hodi suporta Asaun Antisipatóriu iha rejiaun Indo-Pasifiku.
Ho suporta husi Governu Australia, Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) komesa ona ho Asaun Antisipatóriu atu suporta komunidade sira hodi foti asaun hodi proteje komunidade sira antes perigus sira mosu.
Projetu Disaster READY (Dezastre PRONTU), ho ninia foku ba preparasaun dezastre, mekanismu koordenasaun no relasaun ho parte interesada sira ne’ebé eziste ona, fornese hela baze forte ida ba pilotu ba aprosimasaun Asaun Antisipatóriu ne’e.
Espresaun interese ba Asaun Antisipatóriu ne’e selesiona ona iha fatin sira hanesan: Timor-Leste, Vanuatu no Papua Nova Giné.
Disaster READY nia parseiru sira iha nasaun sira ne’e tau hamutuk ona proposal detalladu, kada ida foka ba perigu espesífiku ida.
What is Anticipatory Action?
By shifting the focus of disaster response to the pre-crisis space, Anticipatory Action is allowing humanitarians and affected communities to make informed decisions ahead of disaster events – saving time and money; preventing displacement, disease, loss of livelihood; and preserving the dignity of those affected.
Throughout history, vulnerable communities have used ancestral knowledge and practices to protect their families, homes, and livelihoods from imminent disasters. Similarly, humanitarian actors have invested in emergency preparedness for decades, though progress has often been hampered by limited resources and competing priorities. Anticipatory Action builds on these approaches, by adding a new step in the traditional disaster management cycle.
What sets Anticipatory Action apart from preparedness is that activities and disbursement of funds are activated by a pre-agreed trigger – an indicator that a hazard is imminent and severe. Triggers are based on risk analysis and forecasts, with the goal of beginning interventions before a crisis escalates into a humanitarian emergency.
Critical to the success of Anticipatory Action is a ‘no regrets’ approach – if the Anticipatory Action mechanism is triggered but the disaster does not occur, it may not have the same preventative impact, but will still be valuable in reinforcing preparedness and learning.
Anticipatory Action has been trialled South Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa and there is increasing interest in understanding the effectiveness of anticipatory actions in the Pacific and Timor-Leste, one of the world’s most disaster-prone regions.
Governments and development partners are now investing in regional and national systems to support Anticipatory Action in the Indo-Pacific.
With support from the Australian Government, the Australian Humanitarian Partnership is trialling an Australian Humanitarian Partnership Anticipatory Action Fund (AAF) to support communities to take protective actions prior to hazards.
The Disaster READY program, with its focus on preparedness, existing coordination mechanisms and relationships, is providing a strong base for the pilot.
Three expressions of interest have been selected for the initial trial: from Timor-Leste, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea.
Disaster READY partners in trial countries have put together detailed proposals, each focusing on a particular hazard.