CARE’s Lafaek project develops compendium of educational material for teachers in Timor-Leste


CARE nia projetu Lafaek dezenvolve kompilasaun material edukativu ba manorin sira iha Timor-Leste


Dili, 30 Janeiru, 2023 – Ba komunidade rurais no remotas barak iha Timor-Leste, CARE nia revista Lafaek hetan apresiasaun hanesan material edukativu no kreativu ba labarik sira dezde revista ne’e dezenvolve no distribui iha 2001. Hahu husi tempu ne’ebá, projetu Lafaek evolve no agora públika revista edukativu tinan ida dala tolu no distribui iha rai-laran ba kanorin sira iha pre-eskolar no klase 1-2 hamutuk 111,000, liu 133,000 kanorin sira iha klase 3-6, liu 12,000 manorin, no liu 103,000 uma-kain iha rai-laran. 


Iha 30 Janeiru, ekipa Lafaek sei vizita Aileu no Covalima hamutuk ho reprezentante senior sira husi Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude, no Desportu (MEJD) no Embaixada Nova Zelandia iha Timor-Leste atu monitoriza oinsá revista hirak ne’e uza ba hanorin no aprende iha komunidade rurais sira.

Iha tempu hanesan iha vizita ne’e, reprezentante sira husi Embaixada no MEJD sei revee no aprova konteúdu ba tinan ida ne’e nia edisaun espesial ba revista Lafaek ba Manorin 2/2023, ne’ebé mak sei distribui iha Maiu. Edisaun espesial ida ne’e sei inklui kompilasaun husi konteúdu edukativu hirak ne’ebé mak dezenvolve ona ba edisaun anterior sira ho intensaun atu suporta manorin sira planu klase iha tinan ida nia laran no uza métodu inovativu atu hanorin.


Ekipa Lafaek dezenvolve konteúdu edukativu no kreativu ne’ebé nia alvu mak komunidade sira bazeia ba kurikulu edukasaun nasional no Timor-Leste nia prioridade ba dezenvolvimentu. Projetu ne’e kontinua atu haluan ninia prezensa iha online iha Facebook, agora dadaun iha seguidores liu 150,000, no website. Plataforma online rua ne’e iha tarjetu ba foinsa’e sira atu envolve iha topiku dezenvolvimentu xave sira, no fornese forum atu diskute no fahe ideas, opiniaun no solusaun konaba problema hirak ne’ebé sira hasoru iha rai-laran.





CARE’s Lafaek project develops compendium of educational material for teachers in Timor-Leste



Dili, 30 January, 2023 – In many rural and remote communities in Timor-Leste, CARE’s Lafaek magazines have been valued as a source of educational and creative material for children since the first magazines were developed and distributed in 2001. Since then, the project has evolved and now publishes educational magazines three times per year and delivers throughout the country to over 111,000 preschool and grade 1-2 students, over 133,000 grades 3-6 students, over 12,000 teachers, and more than 103,000 households.


On 30 January, the Lafaek team will undertake a field visit to Aileu and Covalima with senior representatives of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) and the New Zealand Embassy in Timor-Leste to monitor how the magazines are used for teaching and learning in rural communities.


Coinciding with the visit, representatives from the Embassy and MoEYS will review and approve the content for this year’s special edition of Lafaek for Teachers magazine edition 2/2023, which will be distributed in May. This special edition features a compilation of previously developed educational content in the Lafaek magazines, intended to support teachers to plan their classes throughout the year using innovative teaching methodologies.


The Lafaek team develops educational and community tailored creative content based on the national education curriculum and Timor-Leste’s development priorities. The project continues to expand its online presence on Facebook, currently with more than 150,000 followers, and website. The two online platforms are designed to engage youth on key development topics, and provide a forum to discuss and share ideas, opinions and solutions regarding current issues facing the youth of the country.




About CARE

CARE is an international development and humanitarian organisation that has been working in Timor-Leste since 1994. With programmes that extend across all parts of the country, CARE works with partners to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.

CARE works with remote, rural communities and civil society partners to combat gender inequality, as this has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to create sustainable development outcomes.

Ensuring well-being and a voice for women and girls in rural, disadvantaged areas is at the heart of CARE’s work. This is achieved in four priority areas of Education, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Health, and promoting Women’s Voice in society through development and humanitarian programmes.


About Lafaek

Since 2001, the Lafaek Project has been a flagship intervention for CARE and our key partners. In reaching the Timorese population at scale, particularly the most disadvantaged rural majority, and effectively promoting literacy, numeracy, learning, and development, including promoting gender equality and equity, Lafaek provides a solid response to Timor-Leste’s development context.  

Through the Lafaek Project, CARE currently publishes the following Lafaek magazines three times a year in partnership with the Government of Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Education and the Government of New Zealand’s Aid Program:

  1. Lafaek Ki’ik (20 pages) – for preschool to Grade 2 students 
  2. Lafaek Prima (24 Pages) – for Grades 3 and 6 students 
  3. Lafaek ba Manorin (16 pages) – for preschool and Primary School teachers 
  4. Lafaek ba Komunidade (24 pages) – for community members 

Additionally, CARE has developed Lafaek’s online platforms, its Facebook and website, aiming to improve inclusive governance, youth participation in active citizenship, and youth empowerment and education.