HATUTAN Education and Nutrition Program Launches the School Year with Provision of Meals at Ernaro/Boetua Primary School in Ainaro

Schoolchildren in rural Ainaro enjoying their school meals on the first day of school. Photo: Sylvio da Fonseca/CARE in Timor-Leste. Location: Ainaro.

Ainaro, Janeiru 13, 2025 – Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun – HATUTAN, ho parseria hamutuk ho autoridade nasionál no komunidade lokál sira, kontente atu fornese merenda eskolár iha inisiu anu letivu 2025 nian. Tinan ida ne’e, ami selebra inisiu anu letivu iha EBF 1.2 Ernaro/Boetua Munisipiu Ainaro. Atu suporta Programa Merenda Eskolár Nasional, CARE liu husi programa HATUTAN, fornese merenda eskolár iha inisiu anu letivu atu asegura katak alunu sira hahú tinan eskola ho asesu ba hahan nutritivu. Inisiativa ida ne’e hanesan parte ida husi programa ne’e nia kompromisu atu hadi’ak edukasaun, saúde no seguransa ai-han iha Timor-Leste.

Lokaliza iha Aldeia Mau Chigalau, Suco Mauchiga, EBF 1.2 Ernaro/Boetua iha alunu hamutuk 155 (81 feto no 74 mane). Iha loron 18 Dezembru 2024, eskola ne’e simu ai-han doadu husi Governu Estadu Unidus Amérika nia Departamentu Agrikultura (USDA), ho totál hamutuk 1,3 tonelada métriku, kompostu husi fós fortifikadu, koto makerek, forai lokál, no mina vejetál fortifikadu –ne’ebé adekuadu atu serve ba merenda eskolár durante loron 44. Ai-han doadu ne’e iha objetivu atu hadi’ak alunu sira nia saúde, nutrisaun, no envolvimentu iha sala-laran.

Asegura Merenda Eskolár Komesa Sedu
Lansamentu programa merenda eskolár iha loron dahuluk anu letivu nian aliña ho Dekretu-Lei No. 61/2022, ne’ebé prioritiza responde ba malnutrisaun no hadi’ak rezultadu edukasaun liu husi Programa Merenda Eskolár.

“Liu husi ita nia esforsu hodi komesa programa merenda eskolár nian iha loron dahuluk iha anu letivu foun, ita la’ós deit fó merenda eskolár; ita kria oportunidade no investe iha futuru,” dehan Peter Goodfellow, Diretór Nasionál CARE iha Timor-Leste. “Inisiativa ida ne’e suporta hadiak saúde, inspira prezensa alunu sira nian iha eskola, no mós hasa’e rezultadu aprendizajen di’ak, iha tempu hanesan, promove mos solusaun sira mais sustentavel ne’ebé lidera rasik husi komunidade.”

Integra Saúde no Edukasaun
Programa HATUTAN kombina ai-han doadu husi USDA ho produtu agríkola lokál sira, hodi asegura aprosimasaun nutrisaun ida-ne’ebé balansadu iha inísiu anu letivu, no mós suporta autoridade nasionál, munisipál no rejionál sira atu implementa Programa Merenda Eskolár Nasionál. HATUTAN mós inklui formasaun kompriensivu ba pesoál eskola sira konaba rai ai-han ho seguru, ijiene, no prátika jestaun no formasaun nutrisaun no ijiene ba koziñeru sira.

Desde 2019, Programa HATUTAN servisu hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste atu hadi’ak prátika lee no saúde alunu sira nian iha uma no eskola. Esforsu sira inklui apoiu ba implementasaun Governu nia programa merenda eskolár no saúde eskolár. HATUTAN nia peskiza hatudu impaktu pozitivu husi merenda eskolár regulár durante anu letivu tomak, ne’ebé hatudu ona melloramentu iha alunu sira nia prezensa iha eskola no atensaun iha sala-laran; rezultadu di’ak ba abilidade lee no aprendizajen, no aumentu iha inan-aman nia partisipasaun iha eskola.


Selebra Progresu no Parseria
Eventu iha EBF 1.2 Ernaro/Boetua hatudu atividade oioin, inklui:
•Observasaun inisiativa aprendizajen alunu nian, to’os eskolár, no programa saúde.
•Observasaun programa merenda eskolár.
•Aprezentasaun kulturál husi alunu sira, iha ne’ebé ita selebra Timor-Leste nia patrimóniu ne’ebé riku.
•Diskursu husi dignitáriu xave sira ne’ebé reprezenta Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amérika, Ministériu Edukasaun, Autoridade Munisipál no lider lokál sira.

Ko’alia konaba eventu ne’e, Reprezentante Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amerika nian ba Timor-Leste, Sr. Rodney LeGrande, hateten impaktu husi programa ne’e:
“Liu husi parseria ne’ebé forte, ami servisu atu asegura katak labarik sira iha área remota sira iha Timor-Leste simu nutrisaun ne’ebé sira presiza atu hetan susesu iha eskola no moris. Programa ida ne’e simboliza ami nia kompromisu ba edukasaun, saúde no oportunidade.”

Impaktu Longu-Prazu
HATUTAN nia apoiu ba programa merenda eskolár la’ós de’it atu fornese nutrisaun imediata. Ida ne’e reprezenta aprosimasaun holístiku ida hodi hakotu siklu ki’ak no inseguransa ai-han liu husi hadi’ak saúde, hametin kualidade edukasaun, no promove solusaun sustentavel, ne’ebé lidera husi komunidade hodi responde ba dezafiu lokál sira.

HATUTAN kontinua fornese ai-han iha Ainaro, Ermera, no Oé-cusse, distribui produtu ai-han ne’ebé finansia husi USDA ho totál 569 tonelada métriku ba eskola hamutuk 363. Iha inísiu 2025, inisiativa ida ne’e sei fó benefísiu ona ba alunu sira liu 70.359, asegura katak apoiu konsistente durante fulan importante sira iha inisiu anu letivu.




Ainaro, January 13, 2025 – The HATUTAN Education and Nutrition Program, in partnership with national authorities and local communities, is delighted to provide school meals at the launch of the 2025 school year. This year, we celebrate the start of the school year at Ernaro/Boetua primary school in Ainaro Municipality. In support of the national School Feeding Program, CARE through the HATUTAN program, provides meals at the start of school year to ensure that students begin the academic year with access to nutritious meals. This initiative is part of the program’s unwavering commitment to enhancing education, health, and food security across Timor-Leste.

Located in Aldeia Mau Chigalau, Suco Mauchiga, EBF 1.2 Ernaro/Boetua serves 155 students (81 girls and 74 boys). On December 18, 2024, the school received its first delivery of USDA-funded food commodities, totaling 1.3 metric tons of fortified rice, pinto beans, locally sourced peanuts, and vegetable oil—enough to provide 44 days of school meals. These meals aim to improve student health, nutrition, and classroom engagement while fostering community and economic resilience.

Ensuring Timely School Meals
Launching the school feeding program on the first day of the school year reflects a strong alignment with Government Decree Law No. 61/2022, which prioritizes tackling malnutrition and improving educational outcomes through the School Feeding Program.
“By beginning the school feeding program on day one, we are not just providing food; we are creating opportunities and investing in the future,” said Peter Goodfellow, Country Director of CARE in Timor-Leste. “This initiative supports health, school attendance, and learning outcomes while promoting community-led sustainable solutions.”

Integrating Health and Education
The HATUTAN Program combines USDA-donated commodities with locally procured agricultural products, ensuring a balanced nutritional approach at the start of the school year, while supporting the national, municipal and regional authorities to fully implement the national School Feeding Program. HATUTAN also includes comprehensive training for school staff on food storage, hygiene, and management practices and nutrition and hygiene training to cooks.

Since 2019, the HATUTAN Program has worked with the Government of Timor-Leste to improve student reading and health practices at home and school. Efforts include support to full implementation of the Government’s school feeding program. HATUTAN’s research demonstrate the positive impact of regular school meals throughout the school year with improved student attendance and attentiveness; improved scores for reading and cognitive abilities, and increased parent participation at schools.


Celebrating Progress and Partnerships
The event at Ernaro/Boetua primary school showcased a diverse range of activities, including:
•Observations of student learning initiatives, school gardens, and health programs.
•Observation of the school feeding program.
•Cultural performances by students, celebrating Timor-Leste’s rich heritage.
•Speeches from key dignitaries representing the U.S. Embassy, the Ministry of Education, and local leaders.


Speaking about the event, U.S. Embassy Representative to Timor-Leste, Mr. Rodney LeGrande, emphasized the program’s impact: “Through strong partnerships, we are working to ensure that children in remote areas of Timor-Leste receive the nutrition they need to succeed in school and beyond. This program symbolizes our shared commitment to education, health, and opportunity.”

Long-Term Impact
HATUTAN’s support for the school meal program goes beyond providing immediate nutrition. It represents a holistic approach to breaking the cycle of poverty and food insecurity by improving health, boosting educational outcomes, and fostering sustainable, community-led solutions to local challenges.

HATUTAN continues food deliveries across Ainaro, Ermera, and Oé-cusse, distributing a total of 569 metric tons of USDA-funded food commodities to 363 schools. By early 2025, this initiative will have reached over 70,359 students, ensuring consistent support during the critical early months of the school year.