INDMO joins CARE's Lafaek project in promoting women's leadership


INDMO hamutuk ho CARE nia projetu Lafaek promove feto nia lideransa


Dili, 15 Setembru 2023 – Timor-Leste hetan rekoñesimentu nudar nasaun iha Azia no Pasífiku ne’ebé mak iha numeru lideransa feto nian bo’ot liu iha parlamentu nasional. Maibé, feto nia lideransa nafatin menus iha nivel lokal, hanesan ezemplu pozisaun ba xefe suku nafatin domina husi mane.


Atividade Jornalista Ki’ik implementa ona husi CARE nia projetu Lafaek, ho foku klaru ba promosaun no hasa’e feto nia lideransa iha nivel hotu-hotu iha sosiedade. Iha atividade ida ne’e, projetu ne’e konvida estudante eskola primaria sira atu foti knaar nudar jornalista ba loron ida no intervista lider feto influensial no inspiradora sira iha Timor-Leste. Plataforma ne’e iha objetivu atu hasa’e estudante sira nia fiar-an no mos abilidade atu koalia iha públiku, iha tempu hanesan, atu fó mos espasu ba lider feto sira atu inspira feto no labarik feto sira seluk no fahe sira nia jornada ba susesu iha sira nia kareira.


Iha loron 15 Setembru 2023, projetu Lafaek konvida estudante eskola primaria sira atu dada-lia ho Diretora Nasional ba Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Mão- de-Obra (INDMO), Sua Excia. Isabel Fernandes de Lima atu diskute konaba nia esperiénsia nudar diretora ida no mos promove lideransa feto iha nivel hotu-hotu iha sosiedade.


Konteúdu husi intervista ne’e sei sai pakote ida ba edisaun tuir mai ba revista Lafaek Prima no sei fahe mos informasaun sira iha dialogu ho komunidade sira iha munisipiu sira iha Timor-Leste.


CARE apresia Sua Excia. Diretora Isabel ba hamriik hamutuk ho ami atu halo advokasia ba feto nia lideransa no mos bolu atu desizaun-nain sira atu kria oportunidade barak liu tan ba feto sira atu lidera no partisipa iha nivel hotu iha sosiedade, atu inspira feto no labarik feto sira seluk atu atinje sira nia potensial tomak atu sai nain ba foti desizaun iha futuru.





INDMO joins CARE’s Lafaek project in promoting women’s leadership


Dili, 15 September 2023 – Timor-Leste boasts one of the highest proportions of female leadership in Asia and the Pacific in the national parliament. However, women’s leadership remain low at the local level, with examples of the suco chief position being predominantly occupied by men. 


The Journalista Ki’ik (Young Journalist) activity has been implemented by CARE’s Lafaek project, with a clear focus on promoting and increasing women’s leadership at all levels of society. In this activity, primary school children are invited to take on the role of journalists for a day and interview influential and inspiring women leaders in Timor-Leste. Whilst this platform aims to enhance schoolchildren’s confidence and strengthen their public speaking skills, it also allows female leaders to inspire other women and girls and share their journey to success in their careers.


On 15 September 2023, the Lafaek project invites primary school students to converse with the National Institute of Labour Development (INDMO) National Director, H.E. Isabel Fernandes de Lima, to discuss her experience being a female director and promote women’s leadership at all levels of society.


The content from the interview will be packaged in the upcoming Lafaek Prima magazine edition and shared in community dialogue sessions across municipalities in Timor-Leste.


CARE appreciates H.E. INDMO Director Isabel for taking a stand with us on advocating for women’s leadership and calls for decision-makers to create more opportunities for women to lead and participate at all levels of society to inspire other women and girls to fulfil their potential to become future decision-makers.

