Lafaek uses its platforms to engage men in the prevention of gender-based violence
Projetu Lafaek uza nia plataforma atu envolve mane sira iha prevensaun violénsia bazeia ba jéneru.
Dili, 25 Abril, 2023 – Iha 25 Abril 2023, CARE, liuhusi projetu Lafaek, organiza entrevista ho Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa (PDHJ ho sigla Portugues), Sr. Virgilio Guterres.
Objetivu husi entrevista ne’e mak atu fahe papél PDHJ nian hodi hasa’e konsiénsia konaba violasaun direitus umanus no trata kazu abuzu sira inklui violénsia bazeia ba jéneru – violasaun direitus umanus ne’ebé mak komún no sai hanesan obstákulu ida atu atinje dezenvolvimentu sustentavel. Sr. Virgilio sei fahe ninia hanoin no estratéjia sira atu envolve mane sira atu hatan ba asuntu ne’e.
Inisiativa ida ne’e kontribui ba projetu Lafaek nia objetivu atu envolve mane sira hodi uza plataforma Lafaek atu dezafia norma jéneru ne’ebé profundu no aat ne’ebé kontribui ba violénsia bazeia ba jeneru. Dada-lia ho Sr. Virgilio sei públika iha Revista Lafaek ba Komunidade, ne’ebé sei distribui iha Setembru to’o Dezembru tinan ida ne’e. Liu husi distribuisaun iha eskola no komunidade no pajina Facebook Lafaek nia aumentu ba popularidade, konteúdu ne’e iha objetivu atu to’o kanorin labarik sira, mane no komunidade sira iha rai-laran tomak atu hatene impaktu husi violénsia bazeia ba jéneru ba feto no labarik feto sira no oinsá mane sira bele ativamente halo advokasia hodi rezolve abut husi kauza problema ne’e.
Lafaek project uses its platforms to engage men in the prevention of gender-based violence
Dili, 25 April, 2023 – On 25 April 2023 CARE through the Lafaek project, is hosting an interview with the Chief Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (Provedor dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça, abbreviated as PDJH in Portuguese), Mr. Virgilio Guterres.
The objective of the interview is to share the role of the PDHJ in raising awareness of human rights violations and handling the case of such abuses, which includes gender-based violence – one of the most pervasive human rights violations and a barrier to sustainable development outcomes. Mr. Virgilio will share his views and strategies for engaging men to addressing this issue.
This initiative builds on the Lafaek project’s goal of engaging men using the Lafaek platform to challenge ingrained and harmful gender norms that contribute to gender-based violence. The conversation with Mr. Virgilio will be published in the Lafaek Community magazine, which will be distributed from September to December this year. Through school and community distributions and a growing popularity on Facebook, the content is targeted to reach schoolchildren and men in communities across Timor-Leste to be aware of the impact of gender-based violence on women and girls and how men can actively advocate to address its root causes.