Our Partners

We believe in strength in numbers. We multiply the impact of our work beyond individual projects and target communities by working with, supporting and influencing others through partnership, advocacy and influencing.


The Departamento de Inclusão Social, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais – a strategic partner for CARE, providing training on safeguarding and child protection, gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence to their internship students who have worked for the HATUTAN program.


Forum Komunikasaun ba Feto Timor-Leste (FOKUPERS) – an implementing partner working with CARE through the second phase of the Disaster READY project to support in strengthening gender equality, disability and inclusion systems within the Civil Protection Authority, as well as delivering training on safeguarding, gender and inclusion in emergencies.


Knua Haberan Comunidade (KHC) – an implementing partner in Viqueque working with CARE through the second phase of the Disaster READY project to support with advocacy, by ensuring municipalities integrate their disaster plans into the Suco Disaster Management Committees, integrate gender and inclusion in the planning process, and facilitate gender-based violence and safeguarding training.


Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) – implementing partner as part of the Australian Humanitarian Partnerships – Disaster READY project, with a focus on inclusion of people with disabilities


East-Timor Coffee Institute (ETCI) Ermera ­– an academic institution that is a strategic partner through the HATUTAN program.

We are currently exploring future partnerships with Assosiasaun Rede Covalima (ARC), Fundasaun Fini Esperansa, Fundasaun Moris Foun/FMF Liquica, ICFP Baucau, Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation, Movimentu Feto Foin Sae Timor-Leste, NGO Fraterna, Fundasaun Haburas Moris (FHM), Mane Ho Vizaun Foun (MHVF), Grupu Feto Foin Sae’e Timor Lorosae (GFFTL), Haburas Komunidade (HAKOM), Fundasaun Alola, Asosiasaun Moris Foun Manatuto, Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oecusse, Fundasaun Hafoun Timor Lorosa’e, Foinsae Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Futuru, Ba Futuru, PRADET Timor Loro Sae, Institutu Madalan Integradu (IMI) Ermera, NGO Belun, Rotaract Club of Dili, Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste.