The Office of the President strengthens its commitment to achieving key development priorities in partnership with CARE
Gabinete Prezidente Repúblika haforsa komprimisiu atu atinje prioridade dezenvolvimentu xave sira ho parseria hamutuk ho CARE
Dili, 3 Fevereiru, 2023 – Refleta ba prioridade mútua, Gabinete Prezidente Repúblika no CARE estabelese parseria ida ho objetivu atu hadi’ak edukasaun infantil, nutrisaun labarik no feto nia estatutu ekonomia iha area rurais no remotas iha rai-laran. Parseria ida ne’e dezenvolve ona atu responde ba Prezidente nia komprimisiu atu halo mudansa iha area hirak ne’e, no hametin liu tan CARE nia esperiénsia no kapabilidade atu lori programa sira foka ba kualidade edukasaun, saúde no igualdade jéneru ho eskala bo’ot.
Iha Timor-Leste, CARE koñesidu ho ninia suporta ba setor edukasaun, partikularmente atu hadi’ak literasia, numerasia no kualidade hanorin, no hadi’ak nutrisaun liu husi promove prátika dieta saudavel ba kanorin eskola primaria sira, liu husi programa sira hanesan hanesan Lafaek Learning Media ne’ebé hetan suporta husi Nova Zelandia nia programa asistensia, no programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun HATUTAN ne’ebé hetan suporta husi Estadus Unidus nia Departamentu Agrikultura. Feto nia empoderamentu ekonomia sai sentru ba CARE nia programa sira, no ida ne’e atinje liu husi responde ba imbalansu podér iha uma-laran no komunidade nia let, haforsa asesu ba formasaun hadi’ak abilidade teknikal, no dezenvolve koneksaun di’ak ba merkadu.
Parseria ida ne’e sei validu ba tinan rua no sei ajuda haluan tan inisiativa dezenvolvimentu sira ne’ebé eziste ona no hirak ne’ebé iha futuru iha area rurais no remotas iha rai-laran. Ida ne’e inklui atividade espesifiku, pratikal no komplementariu, hanesan promosaun atu enkoraja lee iha uma, promosaun tein hahan nutritivu, no suporta feto sira nia lideransa no foti-desizaun iha nivel suku.
Hanesan Xefe Casa Civil husi Gabinete Prezidente Repúblika, Sr. Bendito dos Santos Freitas hateten durante nia intervensaun iha serimonia ne’e, “CARE nia intervensaun iha rai-laran ne’e importante tebes, ezemplu ida mak saida mak atinje ona husi projetu Lafaek. Kanorin sira ne’ebé uza revista Lafaek Prima atu estuda hatudu ona rezultadu literasia ida ne’ebé di’ak. Ami sei servisu ho di’ak atu atinje ami nia prioridade mútua sira.”
Diretor CARE, Peter Goodfellow hateten, “Ekipa CARE orgullu tebes atu komete ba ohin loron no haforsa tan ita nia esforsu atu kontribui no realiza Prezidente nia prioridade sira, no ami hein atu haluan ita nia servisu hamutuk atu hadi’ak estatutu feto no labarik feto nian iha edukasaun, saúde no ekonomia iha area hirak ne’ebé remota liu iha rai-laran.”
The Office of the President strengthens its commitment to achieving key development priorities in partnership with CARE
Dili, 3 February, 2023 – Reflecting the direct alignment of shared development priorities, the Office of the President and CARE have established a partnership that aims to significantly improve early childhood education, children’s nutrition and women’s economic status in remote, rural areas of the country. This partnership agreement has been developed to respond to the President’s call for significant change in these areas, and builds on CARE’s well-founded experience and capability in delivering quality education, health and gender equality programs at scale.
In Timor-Leste, CARE is renowned for its education sector support, particularly in improving literacy, numeracy and nutrition for young children, through programs such as the Lafaek Learning Media project supported by the New Zealand aid program, and the HATUTAN Education and Nutrition program supported by the United States Department of Agriculture. Women’s economic empowerment is central to CARE’s programming, achieved by addressing power imbalances in households and communities, strengthening access to technical skills training, and developing improved links to markets.
The partnership will run for two years and help catalyse the scaling up of existing and future development initiatives in some of the most remote communities across the country. It includes specific, practical, and complementary activities, such as the promotion of reading at home, promotion of nutritious cooking, and supporting women’s leadership and decision-making at the village level.
As the Chief of Staff for the President’s Office, Mr. Bendito dos Santos Freitas stated during his intervention at the ceremony, “CARE’s intervention in the country is crucial, an example is what they have achieved with the Lafaek project. Students who use the Lafaek Prima magazines to study have achieved improved literacy scores. We will work closely to achieve our common priorities.”
The Country Director of CARE, Peter Goodfellow said, “The CARE team is proud to commit today to redoubling our efforts to contribute to the realisation of the President’s priorities, and we look forward to expanding our work together to improve the education, health and economic status of women and girls in some of the most remote areas of the country.”
About H.E. Dr. José Ramos-Horta’s Presidency
On 21 April, 2022, Dr. José Ramos-Horta was elected President of Timor-Leste for a second term. He had previously served as Senior Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs (2002 – 2006), Prime Minister (2006 – 2007), and President (2007-2012). Dr. Ramos-Horta was sworn into office on 19 May and assumed office on 20 May, 2022, the 20th anniversary of Timor-Leste’s restoration of independence.
About CARE
CARE is an international development and humanitarian organisation that has been working in Timor-Leste since 1994. With programmes that extend across all parts of the country, CARE works with partners to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.
CARE works with remote, rural communities and civil society partners to combat gender inequality, as this has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to create sustainable development outcomes.
Ensuring well-being and a voice for women and girls in rural, disadvantaged areas is at the heart of CARE’s work. This is achieved in four priority areas of Education, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Health, and promoting Women’s Voice in society through development and humanitarian programmes.