The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion and CARE sign Memorandum of Understanding to work together to achieve gender equality and strengthen inclusion in Timor-Leste


Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun no CARE asina Memorandum Entendimentu atu servisu hamutuk hodi atinje igualdade jéneru no inkluzaun iha Timor-Leste


Dili, 6 Fevereiru, 2023 – Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun (SEII) no CARE asina Memorandum Endentimentu (ME) atu hametin kooperasaun atu atinje igualdade jéneru no inkluzaun iha Timor-Leste.

CARE servisu ho komunidade sira iha area rural no hamutuk ho parseiru sosiedade sivil sira atu luta hasoru dezigualdade jéneru, tamba ida ne’e hatudu ona katak dalan efetivu ida atu kria impaktu ba dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé sustentavel.

Asegura moris di’ak no rona feto no labarik feto sira-nia lian iha area ne’ebé rural no dezvantajen sai nudar sentru ba CARE nia servisu. Ida ne’e atinje liu husi area prioridade haat hanesan Edukasaun, Hakbiit Feto sira-nia Ekonomia, Saúde no promove Feto sira-nia Lian iha sosiedade liu husi programa dezenvolvimentu no umanitariu sira.

Memorandum Entendimentu ida ne’e hametin CARE nia kolaborasaun ho SEII no iha objetivu atu foka liu tan ba prioridade mútua sira ba feto nia emporadementu ekonomia, feto nia partisipasaun iha foti desizaun, no prevensaun violénsia bazeia ba jéneru iha setor hotu iha Timor-Leste.

Hanesan Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun, Sra. Maria do Rosário Fátima Correia hateten durante nia intervensaun iha serimonia, “Entidade rua ne’e iha objetivu komún atu kria ambiente ne’ebé suporta feto atu lidera, ativamente partisipa iha ekonomia no haree violénsia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira reduz. Ami sei servisu hamutuk atu asegura ami lori impaktu konkretu ba feto no labarik feto sira nia moris.”

Parseria ida ne’e sei validu ba tinan tolu, no ida ne’e bazeia ba komprimisiu komún atu avansa igualdade jéneru. Entidade rua ne’e iha komprimisiu atu kolabora iha inisiativa xave sira hanesan:

  • Hadi’ak feto nia partisipasaun iha prosesu foti desizaun liu husi inisiativa hasa’e kapasidade sira, akonsellamentu no suporta ho rekursu
  • Hametin integrasaun jéneru iha polítika, programa, no alokasaun orsamentu iha setor hotu-hotu
  • Suporta feto nia partisipasaun ativa iha ekonomia
  • Prevensaun no eliminasaun violénsia hasoru feto no labarik feto

Diretor CARE, Peter Goodfellow dehan, “CARE no SEII fahe vizaun hanesan konaba sosiedade ida ne’ebé igual no justu, no ida ne’e hanesan onra ida atu formaliza ami nia komprimisiu atu servisu hamutuk atu atinje vizaun ida ne’e. Hamutuk, ami sei luta hodi hetan oportunidade atu feto sira bele lidera no partisipa iha nivel hotu iha sosiedade atu inspira feto no labarik feto sira seluk atu atinje sira nia potensial tomak atu sai na’in ba foti desizaun iha futuru.”



The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion and CARE sign Memorandum of Understanding to work together to achieve gender equality and strengthen inclusion in Timor-Leste


Dili, 6 February, 2023 – The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) and CARE have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation to achieve gender equality and strengthen inclusion in Timor-Leste.

CARE works with remote, rural communities and civil society partners to combat gender inequality, as this has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to create sustainable development outcomes.

Ensuring well-being and a voice for women and girls in rural, disadvantaged areas is at the heart of CARE’s work. This is achieved in four priority areas of Education, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Health, and promoting Women’s Voice in society through development and humanitarian programmes.

This MoU builds on CARE’s long-standing collaboration with SEII and aims to further focus on the shared priorities of women’s economic empowerment, women’s participation in decision-making, and the prevention of gender-based violence across all sectors in Timor-Leste.

As the Secretary of States for Equality and Inclusion, H.E. Mrs. Maria do Rosário Fátima Correia stated during her intervention at the ceremony, “The two entities have a common objective to create an enabling environment where women can lead, actively participate in the economy and see reduced violence against women and girls. We will work together to ensure we bring concrete impact to the lives of women and girls.”

This partnership will run for three years, and is based on a common commitment to advance gender equality. Both entities commit to collaboration on key initiatives including:

  • Enhancing women’s participation in decision-making processes through capacity-building initiatives, mentorship and resource support
  • Strengthening the integration of gender in policy, programming, and budget allocation across all sectors
  • Supporting women’s active participation in the economy
  • Prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls

The Country Director of CARE, Peter Goodfellow said, “CARE and SEII share a common vision of an equal and just society, and it is an honour to formalise today our commitment to working together to achieve this vision. Together we will strive for more opportunities for women to lead and participate at all levels of society to inspire other women and girls to fulfil their potential to become future decision-makers.”



About the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion

The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) is the Government of Timor-Leste’s entity in charge of equality and inclusion affairs in the country. SEII’s vision is that Timor-Leste will progress as a nation full of prosperity, peace and a society that embraces gender equality and inclusion where people live with dignity and fully exercise their rights. This includes the rights of women and girls are valued, protected and promoted in the law and culture.


About CARE

CARE is an international development and humanitarian organisation that has been working in Timor-Leste since 1994. With programmes that extend across all parts of the country, CARE works with partners to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.

CARE works with remote, rural communities and civil society partners to combat gender inequality, as this has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to create sustainable development outcomes.

Ensuring well-being and a voice for women and girls in rural, disadvantaged areas is at the heart of CARE’s work. This is achieved in four priority areas of Education, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Health, and promoting Women’s Voice in society through development and humanitarian programmes.