The Secretary of State for Equality collaborates with CARE to further progress commitments of gender equality


Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade kolabora ho CARE atu avansa liu tan komprimisiu ba igualdade jéneru


Dili, 4 Setembru 2023 – Governu Timor-Leste rekoñese katak avansa igualdade jéneru sai hanesan prioridade ida atu atinje Planu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel 2030. Maske Timor-Leste hetan ona susesu barak atu alkansa komprimisiu nasional ba igualdade jéneru, dadus hatudu katak feto Timoroan na’in tolu husi lima ho idade entre 15 no 49, hetan violénsia fíziku no/ka seksuál husi parseiru intimu durante sira nia moris.


CARE nafatin komprimitidu atu suporta Governu Timor-Leste atu lori progresu ba igualdade jéneru, hanesa refleta ona iha Memorandum Entendimentu ne’ebé asina ona entre CARE no Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade. Memorandum Entendimentu ida ne’e iha objetivu atu foka ba prioridade ne’ebé entidade rua ne’e fahe relasiona ba hakbiit feto nia ekonomia, feto nia partisipasaun iha foti desizaun, no prevensaun violénsia bazeia ba jéneru iha setor hotu iha Timor-Leste.


Ohin loron ba atividade Jornalista Foinsa’e, projetu Lafaek konvida reprezentante foinsa’e rua atu dada-lia ho Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade, Sua Excia. Elvina de Sousa Carvalho, atu diskute konaba ninia knaar no governu foun nia planu no prioridade atu avansa igualdade jéneru iha nivel hotu-hotu iha sosiedade.


Atividade ida ne’e fasilita ona husi CARE nia projetu Lafaek, ho foku atu reforsa hasa’e koñesimentu konaba problema relasiona ho dezigualdade jéneru no promove knaar importante ne’ebé mane no labarik mane sira iha ba prevensaun violénsia bazeia ba jéneru. Adisionalmente, atividade ne’e inklui hotu foinsa’e sira iha topiku ida ne’e atu fó plataforma ba sira atu koalia konaba sira nia preokupasaun relasiona ho dezigualdade jéneru no enkoraja sira atu ativamente partisipa hodi dezafia norma jéneru ne’ebé ladi’ak iha sira nia komunidade.


CARE basa liman ba Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade ba nia lideransa ba halo advokasia konaba igualdade jéneru no husu ba desizaun-nain sira iha Timor-Leste atu envolve mane no labarik mane sira atu hasa’e konsiensia konaba igualdade jéneru, dezafia norma jéneru ne’ebé ladi’ak no redus violénsia bazeia ba jéneru.






The Secretary of State for Equality collaborates with CARE to further progress commitments of gender equality


Dili, 4 September 2023 – The Government of Timor-Leste recognises advancing gender equality as an ongoing priority to achieve its 2030 Sustainable Development Plan. Although Timor-Leste has made significant strides in achieving the national commitment on gender equality, data shows that three in five Timorese women aged between 15 and 49 years, experience physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence during their lifetimes.


CARE remains committed to support the Government of Timor-Leste in progressing gender equality, as reflected in the MoU signed between CARE and the Secretary of State for Equality. This MoU aims to focus on the shared priorities of women’s economic empowerment, women’s participation in decision-making, and the prevention of gender-based violence across all sectors in Timor-Leste.


Today on the Jornalista Foinsa’e activity, the Lafaek project invites two passionate youth representatives to converse with the Secretary of State for Equality, H.E. Elvina de Sousa Carvalho, to discuss her role and the new government’s plans and priorities for advancing gender equality at all levels of society.


The activity has been facilitated by CARE’s Lafaek project, with emphasis on raising awareness of the issue of gender inequality and promoting the crucial role played by men and boys in the prevention of gender-based violence. In addition, with the inclusion of the youth in this conversation, the activity provides the platform for them to raise concerns related to gender inequality and encourage their active participation in challenging harmful gender norms in their communities.


CARE applauds the Secretary of State for Equality for her continued leadership in advocating for gender equality and urges decision makers in Timor-Leste to engage men and boys to raise awareness of gender equality, disrupt harmful gender-norms and reduce gender-based violence.

