Archive June 2023

21 Jun

US Government funded HATUTAN Program provides equipment for the School Feeding Program

US Government funded program provides equipment for the School Feeding Program: The Ministry of State Administration and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports received $54,600 US worth of materials […]


15 Jun

‘Ami nia planu mak atu salva moris’: feto foinsa’e lidera preparasaun ba dezastre iha Timor-Leste

‘Ami nia planu mak atu salva moris’: feto foinsa’e lidera preparasaun ba dezastre iha Timor-Leste Iha leten: Leonia, lider grupu Rai no Empresta Osan hanaran Haberan Ekonomia, kaer hela kofre […]


9 Jun

Liquiça Municipality Celebrated Successful Schools with HATUTAN Education and Nutrition Program

Liquiça Municipality Celebrated Successful Schools with HATUTAN Education and Nutrition Program Komunikadu Imprensa Selebrasaun Eskola Susesu ho Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun HATUTAN iha Munisípiu Liquiçá Dili, 9 Juñu 2023 – […]